Wednesday, December 17, 2014




putty colors setting

default Foreground green 255 red 0 blue 0
ansi blue green 248 red 158 blue 252

Monday, December 15, 2014

Oracle SOA BPM Composite performance query


             select cu.composite_name Composite, cu.component_name Process, cu.componenttype, cu.state, cu.ECID,co.title,cu.CREATION_DATE,cu.MODIFY_DATE,
          trunc((extract(day    from (cu.modify_date-cu.creation_date))*24*60*60 +
                extract(hour   from (cu.modify_date-cu.creation_date))*60*60 +
                extract(minute from (cu.modify_date-cu.creation_date))*60 +
                extract(second from (cu.modify_date-cu.creation_date))),4) responsetime from
                cube_instance cu, composite_instance co where  cu.ECID=co.ECID and cu.COMPOSITE_NAME='xxx' and
          cu.creation_date >= to_timestamp('2014-11-20 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')
          and cu.creation_date <= to_timestamp('2014-12-01 00:00:00','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') and co.title Is NOT NULL
          order by responsetime desc;

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Oracle BPM learning topics

Key Topics in Oracle BPM 11g.

Basic topics :

1. Process Modelling.
2. Process Implementation.
3. Process deployment and testing.
4. Business rules in Business process.
5. Human workflow in BPM process.
6. Process simulation.
7. Developing User interface using ADF znd End user interaction(BPM workspace).
8. Exception management.
9. BPM and SOA in concert.
10. Manage, Monitor and Administor BPM process.

Advanced topics :

1. Interprocess Communication.
2. Working with Arrays.
3. Handling exceptions.
4. Design patterns.

Technical topics :

2. Mediator.
3. Fault handling.
4. Transactions.
5. Message exchange patterns.
6. Events.
7. XSLT.
8. DVM and XREF.
9. Webservices.
10. Business Rules.
11. WS-Security.
12. Sensors.
13. Custom functions.
14. Weblogic server .
15. Human workflow.
16. BPM api's
17. Workflow api's.
18. Tasklist api's.
19. SOA Facade api's.
20. Mbeans.
21. WLST.
22. SOA internal schema.
23. BPEL engine workings.

Oracle BPM Activities.

BPM studio can contains  total of 47 objects, swimlanes  and user/roles. The responsibility for each of the user/roles are defined in each of the swimlanes. The roles defined are logical and has to be mapped to LDAP  while development and implementation BPM Studio also enables you to create more robust organizational models using organizational units, calendars, and holidays.

Each of the activity has been explained in detail

Reference : Oracle® Fusion Middleware Modeling and Implementation Guide for Oracle 
                       Business Process Management 


Oracle BPM studio in the Oracle Jdeveloper contains the below activities

      Activity is a temporary or a draft place holder  which later has to be provided specific implementation. If the implementation has not been provided then you will be getting "Error: Node 'Activity' has no implementation defined " error while compiling.